Streamline your Non-Profit
With Cloud ERP & CRM you can streamline your entire operations instantly.
One Platform for Growth
Every growing non-profit needs a single digital platform to underpin their organisation as it expands and evolves. Such a technology environment, capable of supporting the entire operation and enabling seamless service delivery, must possess several critical attributes.
Increased Productivity and Management
Finance teams can automatically capture project related transactions in the general ledger, while gaining a view into what resources were ordered and in what location. Accounts payable can also automatically trigger payments on the goods and services ordered.
Cost Savings and Resource Allocation
By streamlining finance functionalities, many administrative processes that cost time and money can be automated. This frees up staff to focus on what matters, becoming more efficient in their daily tasks, aiding in reducing the bottom line and saving costs.
Real-time Decision Making and Forecasting
Gain real-time operational and financial visibility. Rich multi-dimensional accounting solutions enable you to easily capture granular operational and financial data tor faster decisions.
Enhanced Reporting and Transparency
Dashboards and Reporting capabilities add value to stakeholders, the board and funders. They increase transparency into how funds are being allocated and trust in the organisation - which could lead to increased donor funding.
Discover a platform for growth.
Download the Smart Non-Profit Business infographic today, which gives you ten reasons why you need an ERP solution on the Salesforce platform.